I’ve spent the month of February in a cocoon with my new little one. We welcomed Matthew Holden (going by Holden) on Jan 31st, 4 weeks from yesterday. There have been lots of little (and big) things to appreciate. I just can’t believe how much the little man has grown already. His big sister has taken a very earnest approach towards her new job and is getting the hang of our new routine and the new vocabulary that comes with it (‘bottle’ and ‘burp’, etc.).

Here are some of my favorite pictures of the little big man so far…

week one












week three









week four


This mild winter has allowed us to spend lots of time outside in the sun, which is perfect for those of us that are 18 months old and full of antsy energy.This speed bump has provided hours of entertainment. We walk up, we walk down, we walk back and forth. She has a whole little marching routine down.

When I was growing up there was always, always snow on the ground for my birthday (Jan 28th). Even if it seemed unlikely, a storm inevitably would crop up just before my big day. This winter at least, I’m glad things are different.

what a joy it is to have your birthday fall on a Saturday when it’s easy to spend time with your family. All I wanted was a relaxing day of our favorite activities together. Eloise learned to go under water at swim class. We’ve been baking banana bread and are gearing up to make my husband’s family’s traditional chocolate cake, which we will enjoy tonight along with a favorite dinner. Can’t be beat.

The image above is from an Etsy seller who makes fabric and felt birthday banners. One of these banners is on my list of things to find for our family to have for many birthdays to come (along with the birthday chair).


My husband is finishing medical school and is currently participating in “the match” for residency. I won’t bore you with the details. But here’s what’s important to know:

After casting a wide interview net, applicants rank the programs that they’d like to attend in order of preference. Programs do the same with candidates. Both submit blind lists to the organization who oversees the process. An algorithm then “matches” candidates and programs. Applicants are then gathered at their respective schools on March 16th at 12pm EST and given an envelope containing ONE binding placement from their list of programs. About eight to ten weeks later they start work.

Last night, we made our rank list. So in May we will be moving to one of the following cities (listed in no particular order):


BOSTON (print by JHill Design)

















CHICAGO (print by albie designs)

















PITTSBURGH (print by loose petals)


BALTIMORE (print by April Hovjacky)


ST. LOUIS (print by oneCANOEtwo)

















PHILADELPHIA (print by Philadelphia Map Co)















ROCHESTER (print by Bird ave)
















and in 49 days we find out which one.









Anticipation is tough for me. Busyness and doing are much easier. Maybe I’d be able to appreciate the waiting better if simple activities like putting on socks weren’t such a challenge. But at this point, waiting is really all that’s left to be done. And while we wait, we live with place holders…an empty crib, unused bouncy chairs, stacks of diapers, an entire wardrobe…which remind us every second about the little one who will soon join our family (as if the giant belly weren’t reminder enough).

(chalk image above was made by Mia Nolting)

Yesterday I read some posts on a great blog, Under the Sycamore, about a family’s wait for the child they are adopting. Mom, Ashley Ann, happens to be a wonderful photographer and took this image…depicting their waiting experience. How gorgeous.

Having kids has made me appreciate the importance of taking care of your skin. There’s nothing like baby soft to hammer home just how much damage you’ve done. Still, I have a hard time finding products I love that actually make a long-term difference in the way my skin feels.

One thing I’ve never tried is a skin oil, which I’ve been seeing a lot about lately.

A recent article in the WSJ profiled stylist Linda Rodin and her skin care line, Olio Lusso. She preaches the importance of essential oils as a part of regular skin care. I’m not sure about you, but I always think women who look like this know what they are talking about.













As an early birthday present to myself I got an Organic Om Facial at a nearby spa. It was heavenly. One of the products they used was a face oil called Pumpkin Night Serum. I happily brought home a bottle. I’m excited to use it…especially since my night time routine is guaranteed to be anything but luxurious for the next several months.

We often don’t know that we’re about to meet someone who will play a significant role in the rest of our lives. I didn’t know when I was going to meet my spouse or best friends or even my business partner. There is one case though when you do know that you’re about to meet someone very important…your younger siblings. Alongside your parents you’ve likely waited with great anticipation and may already have lots of ideas about what this person and relationship will be like.

We are so excited for Eloise to meet her new baby brother when he arrives. I can’t imagine my life without my brothers. They’ve helped to make me who I am. I was so happy to find these old pictures of us meeting each other for the first time.










My earliest memory is waiting to go see my middle brother in the hospital. I had dressed myself and I sat in a dark hallway (because I couldn’t reach the light switch) for what seemed to be forever waiting for my dad to finally be ready.

Above is a picture of me in the hospital nursery peering into his crib. I’m almost 3.

Six years later we got to meet our youngest brother. It was so exciting.







when i was growing up we had a large wicker chair that we kept in the attic and brought out for people’s birthdays. Naturally, we called it the birthday chair. Today, one of my favorite blogs – Brabourne Farm, has a feature on these peacock chairs. I’d love to find one for our new house and continue the tradition.

















And here are a few shots of the original birthday chair in action at my house…